Collin's Halloween Haunt
Attention: This program requires registration to gain entry. Register here:
Attention: This program requires registration to gain entry. Register here:
Join us for a conversation with Elizabeth Atkinson, who wrote Fly Back, Agnes, The Island of Beyond, The Sugar Mountain Snowball, I Emma Freke, and From Alice to Zen, and Everything in Between. Awarded the 2020 International Book Award for Children's Fiction from American Book Fest, Fly Back, Agnes was also featured in Travel and Leisure Magazine
Story Time OUTSIDE! Join Tessa and friends for stories, songs, rhymes, and more!
Please bring a picnic blanket (one per group) or use our washable mats which will be spaced 6 feet apart.
Join Dixie Lea in the library park for fun poses, stretches, imagination and fun following stories with Tessa.
Roll like a carriage, skip like Little Red Riding Hood, run as fast as you can like the Gingerbread Man, dance like a jester, and much more! Come to the kingdom of Conway Library park and the magical fitness fairies, Tara and Tessa will bring your kids on an exercise adventure. FREE! Refreshing healthy treats offered at the culmination of the session. Comfortable clothing, sneakers, and water bottles are a must.
This summer the Conway Public Library is teaming up with the NH Food Bank and Camp Huckins to offer free "dinner" meals to kids. No questions asked. Just grab and go. Pick up times are Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3:30PM-4:15PM.
This summer the Conway Public Library is teaming up with the NH Food Bank and Camp Huckins to offer free "dinner" meals to kids. No questions asked. Just grab and go. Pick up times are Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3:30PM-4:15PM.
The Conway Public Library is closed.
Story Time with Tessa! Join Tessa and friends for stories, songs, rhymes, and more!
Please email Tessa for Zoom access by 10:30 AM before the story time.
Zoom with Miss Tara to Imagine Your World!
How DOES one imagine your world? Get inspired for the month's fun summer reading opportunities while Miss Tara generates ideas, shares book talks, links, and at-home suggestions.