Once Upon a Story Hour: Art with Ms. Frizzle
Get ready for Lego games and challenges with New England's favorite brickmaster, Cody Wells! All are invited to this FREE event in celebration of the summer reading program, Color Your World.
Enjoy this Summer Reading Program kickoff event with Andrew Silver, a fabulously funny and totally amazing magician and mime! Meet under the tent in the library park and prepare to have a wonderful time! This FREE event is appropriate for ALL AGES. Don't miss it!
Get a preview here: https://youtu.be/QaFyJNUQOaY?si=9jV5ye5ZfA4omQdP
Due to the "cloudy" day on August 17th, the event will be postponed to Saturday, August 31st
Come and look through a Hydrogen Alpha and a White Light telescope to safely view the Sun with Marc Stowbridge. The Hydrogen Alpha telescope will show surface eruptions and features of the Sun. The White Light telescope will show Sun Spots. To preview what you may possible see, check out the link to view "The Sun Now - NADA SDO". SDO stands for Solar Dynamics Observatory, which is in orbit around the Earth.
*July 22nd Storytime has been cancelled*
Come join Kate under the tent (or in the Ham Room depending on the weather) for a fun family storytime with books, songs, and and activity to tie it all together! Storyhour for the summer will happen on Mondays at 10:30am and will resume the normal schedule with Tessa in the fall!
In the Spirit of Earth Day:
Clean the Park
Conway Public Library's Park 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Ham Room will be
Dixie Lea invites people of all ages to join her in the library park for an hour of yoga in the sunshine. BYO towel or mat and water. Donations appreciated.
This invitation-only event will celebrate the volunteers who commit their time and resources to help our library run beautifully.