Redstone Village

View from the quarry overlooking Redstone Village. (Collection of Steve Swenson)


Redstone Village was built as a “company town”. In its prime from 1900 to 1940, it had a school, a church, a pool hall and a dance hall, and a stage for musical and theatrical programs. The village had its own US Post Office and zip code, as well as a boarding house and a rail road station.


Community gathering showing the Redstone train station in the background, circa 1917. (Collection of Steve Swenson)


Most of the houses were built in variations of the same design. Many of these homes remain and have been enlarged and modernized over the years.

Redstone Church. (Collection of Steve Swenson)

Redstone passenger train station and freight house. (Collection of Steve Swenson)

Boarding House and Redstone Company store. (Collection of Steve Swenson)

(Collection of Noel Quinton)

Redstone Quarry Trail

1) Engaged Column

2) Steam Engines

3) Stone Shed

4) Derricks & Rails

5) Lathe House

6) Green Quarry

7) Tumbler & Office

8) Redstone Village