Engaged Column


Lying along the side of the trail, which was once a rail line to and from the Redstone Quarry operation, is this highly polished green column. It is known as an “engaged column” as it is flat on one side and designed to go up against a building rather than to stand free like a regular column.

Reportedly this engaged column was to have been part of a structure at Grand Central Station, New York City. For some reason, which is probably hidden underneath the item here, this was rejected and pushed off to the side of the railroad line where it remains today.



This engaged column is as smooth as glass along the side and rough at the ends. The rough ends show the tool marks of the machine that shaped this column from a rectangular block of granite. We will see the actual machine that shaped this further along the trail.

From there, you will walk up to the “green” quarry from which this stone originally came from and see some of the machinery used to extract the stone from the mountain.

Redstone Quarry Trail

1) Engaged Column

2) Steam Engines

3) Stone Shed

4) Derricks & Rails

5) Lathe House

6) Green Quarry

7) Tumbler & Office

8) Redstone Village