Knitting Guild

On the first Monday of each month, come and join The Mountain View Knitting Guild in the Ham Room from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. 

The Knitting Guild is a great place for all knitters and provides a place for those who need new knit friends to come and meet one another. It is a place where knitters are able to expand their skills in a setting where creativity and knitting possibilities are limitless. All are welcome to join.

2024 Festival of Trees event - The Knitting Guild tree won 1st place in their category.

Themes will be decided at the previous month's meet-up: 

January  - Discussion on the different weight of yarns. Please bring several different yarns to discuss and info handouts to be given to folks. 

February - Discussion on the many different methods of casting on & binding off a project.

March - Discussion on finishing techniques. This month, we have a special treat for you. We are privileged to host Jenny Smith, the owner of Underhill Farm in Gorham, ME, as our exclusive guest. Jenny will share her knowledge about her farm and the animals she raises, and will also demonstrate her craft with a spinning wheel. She will have some of her unique yarn available for purchase, making this event even more special. 

April - April - Seaming - "Mattress Sitich"

May - Blocking Techniques

June - The group will begin to discussion for September KAL project and Spring Luncheon. Come join the group on June 14th - for "Knitting in Public." More information will be coming soon for the event. 

July & August - Summer months, free knitting sessions. 

Sept - Theme will be coming soon

Room Reservation: 
Monday, March 3, 2025 - 9:30am to 1:00pm
Event Category: 
Event Location: 
Name of Organization: 
Knitting Guild