REAL Virtual Reality Platform Training

Please join us for an on-site training to go over two new virtual reality systems now availability in our community. Meet with our clinical specialist to learn how this technology can support a wide variety of community members. This event is an opportunity to receive hands-on training for the i-Series and y-Series, two virtual reality systems that make up the REAL virtual reality platform. The i-Series headset only virtual reality system is clinically designed to support mental wellbeing, relaxation, pain distraction, and mindfulness. The y-Series is a full body active virtual reality system designed to target physical and cognitive wellness goals and give you objective data on the user’s progress. The y-Series is incorporated into PT, OT and SLP sessions to actively engage individuals and accelerate positive therapeutic outcomes.

Please contact for more information.

Room Reservation: 
Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Event Category: 
Event Location: 
Name of Organization: 
Conway Public Library
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