NH Author Meet and Greet Event:
Come meet and greet local author Christine Parson. She will be giving a talk about "Surviving Estrangement" and a bit on her novels, "Nevertheless They Persisted: Gaining Emotional Intelligence in the Wave of Adult Child Estrangement." and "My Parents are dead, but I still wish they'd Change: A History of Estrangement and Unresolved Conflict."
Synopsis for "Nevertheless They Persisted..."
There are many books and articles written on how to reconcile. They offer information as to how the broken parent should speak to promote healing. But what if your adult child refuses to engage? The alternative option is to move on and let go. But healing the wound of adult child estrangement is messy and complicated. There are good days and bad. Christine shares the reality of the work it takes to see the forest for the trees. This book goes deep into the life of the author, and how it feels to be silenced as a mother. It describes how she finds purpose on this path unchosen, and her gain in emotional intelligence.
Synopsis for "My Parents are Dead..."
I am the product of estrangement. My childhood journey finds a heart-wrenching repetition in the present. Adult child estrangement is a lesson in the power of the human spirit. It is amazing how the willingness to survive can deliver us to a sense of purpose. This is a story about the search for personal truth. It is raw and honest. I openly discuss the debilitating circumstances that brought me to my knees. I share the grave moments when I lost myself because I allowed someone else to define me. It is a tale that finds me rising from the ashes with the discovery of how to proceed in kindness. I find meaning in everything, even if it’s as simple as a good cup of coffee.
Where to buy Locally: White Birch Books in North Conway. All proceeds from this event will be kindly donated to Starting Point.
About the Author:
Christine Parsons is an estranged mother who lives her life by practicing joy. Though she does not have an academic degree, she continues to be a student of human behavior.