
Summer Reading Event: Lindsay Munroe (children's music)

“Together our voices make a beautiful song and every one of us belongs” All are welcome to this family-friendly musical event! Lindsay Monroe is an award-winning children's music recording artist and we are fortunate to welcome her to the Conway Library for a special summer reading event. FREE! Learn more about Lindsay Monroe here:


Stuffed Animal Sleepover

After PJ Story Hour you can leave your stuffed animal with Tessa and Emma to see what fun they can find while having a sleepover at the library! Pick your stuffed animal up later that week and receive a picture journal of the adventure they had during their overnight! Will they play with the doll house? The dress ups? Will they sleep?  What will they eat? What stories will they read?  Will they remember to brush their teeth before bed?

Take Your Child to the Library Day with Musical Guest, Steve Blunt

Public Libraries are wonderful places to help nurture children's early literacy skills, creativity, sense of community, and all around learning and fun Learn more about this annual international celebration by going to

This year, we are excited to have our award-winning musical friend, Steve Blunt at the library to perform for children and their families. He is great fun! Learn more about Steve at


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