Walk the Pathway: Haikus & Poetry
"To think it to know: how to find the truths of life. Pathway to the mind."
Quoted from musician & poet Wayne Peabody.
"To think it to know: how to find the truths of life. Pathway to the mind."
Quoted from musician & poet Wayne Peabody.
All are welcome to view rugs and hook together.
All are welcome to hook rugs together and/or view beautiful rugs on display.
Starting in October - on the first Thursday of each month
Park Project Public Info Session
Trivia Night at Tuckerman's!
Personal Meeting on zoom Tracy Crowell 503-545-5558
All are invited to an evening with the author of The Road to Dalton, Shannon Bowring, on Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Majestic Theatre in Conway Village.
The in-person event will be free and open to the public. American Sign Language interpretation will be provided. This event will also be live-streamed.
**Please check on the last week of December - December 23rd and December 30th. The library will be hosting Holiday Hours.**
English for Students of Other Languages (ESL) – Mondays
On the first Monday of each month, come and join The Knitting Guild in the Ham Room from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.