Yoga for Kids and Caregivers
Dixie Lea leads children and their caregivers through fun stretches, poses and activities for wellness and fun! FREE following story time.
Dixie Lea leads children and their caregivers through fun stretches, poses and activities for wellness and fun! FREE following story time.
We would be teaching others how to use and the many tools it has to find their ancestors, build their family tree, find stories about their ancestors, and learn where they came from. FamilySearch has the largest database of historic records and it's free! In today's world people can often wonder who they are and question if they are really important. As we help people learn how to use FamilySearch, the hope is that people will find out more about themselves as they learn of their ancestors and help them gain greater confidence in who they are.
meet 1:1 with student
Valley Democrats
Art removal
The single biggest cause of migration out of the state, and to an even greater degree, out of Mt.
Washington Valley, is the lack of affordable rental and owner occupied housing. The most impacted
demographic are young families. According to nationally recognized demographer expert, Peter Francese,
Meet and Greet with the Congressman. Light refreshments.
A Photographic, Personally-Narrated PowerPoint Lecture by Ed Webster
Hear ye! Hear ye! Dress up in your finest to celebrate the fall equinox and accept Prince Charming's invitation to his palace. Enjoy music, dancing, a special story telling guest, and fine (kid-friendly) foods.
Nike Outlet in North Conway (Settler's Green), the Conway Public Library, and Norther Human Services presents an active morning with plenty of fun! Children ages 0-10 are invited to race through a specially designed obstacle course, and stomp a rocket into the air at the end! Refreshments will be served. FREE!