Skywatch: What's Up in Tonight's Sky

New Hampshire Astronomical   Society

What's Up in Tonight's Sky?

 **In case of cloudy weather the postpone date will be in December.**

Come and observe the various kinds of objects we're likely to view in the telescopes.

A "Skywatch" is simply a gathering of amateur astronomers with a focus on outreach and education for a private group or for the public at large. A Skywatch is by definition "beginner-friendly." At a skywatch our focus is on giving you and your group the most enjoyable and educational experience possible!

General Rules for public skywatches

  • Watch your step - Be especially careful of wires on the ground.
  • Park Carefully - Try to park so that your headlights and back-up lights won’t interfere with the observers.
  • No Smoking - Smoke damages telescope optics.
  • Red Flashlights - No white lights. A red light will not ruin your night vision as much as white light will. You can cover the lens of a regular light with red plastic or tail-light repair tape. A dim light will seem bright once your eyes become dark-adapted.
  • No Flash Photography - The bright flash of a camera can wreck everyone's night vision.
  • Stay Warm - Few people realize just how chilly it gets late at night, even in summer, particularly when you are standing still under a clear sky. Bring about twice as much warm clothing as you think you'll need. In summer, a light and heavy jacket, warm shirt, jeans. Winter calls for insulated boots, thermal underwear, corduroy jeans, parka, flannel shirt, gloves, and, very important, a warm knit cap!
Room Reservation: 
Tuesday, November 26, 2024 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Event Category: 
Event Location: 
Name of Organization: 
New Hampshire Astronomical Society