Come join in reading the Conway Public Library's April Book Pick
Murder in the Meadow
And Have a Chance to Discuss the Novel with the Author, DonnaRae Menard!
Join the Conway Public Library's Book Group from January to November, every third Monday to discuss the book of the month. Extra copies will be available behind the front desk. Please check dates if orginial date falls on a Holiday. Any suggestions for next year picks, please have them ready by the last book club meeting in November. The suggestions can be sent to Jodi at this email bookclub@conwaypubliclibrary.org
After the book discussion, if time is available there will be an Q&A with Book Signing. There will be a table with all of DonnaRae Menard's books available for purchase.
Book Synopsis:
After ten years gone, Katelyn Took returns home in 1974 to find the grandmother who raised her has been killed in the farm meadow. Gram's will leaves Katelyn ownership of the now dilapidated farm, but includes a stipulation regarding seventeen cats. Then there's the confused old woman still living in the farmhouse. Katelyn doesn't want to stay, but the longer she does, the more drawn into finding Gram's killer she becomes.
More about the Author:
DonnaRae Menard began writing in junior high school and has been scribbling since. She is the author of the An It's Never Too Late Mystery series. A 1970's suspense featuring Katelyn Took and 17 cats. The Woman Warrior's series, historical fiction, The Waif and The Warlord, fantasy, Detective Carmine Mansuer series, set in Boston, Mass. Dropped from the Sky, It takes Guts, Willa the Wisp, and several short stories. She splits her time between Vermont and New Hampshire, has an affinity for odd jobs, and rescued cats.Check out her website donnaraemenardbooks.com. Find her on facebook.