Conway Public Library will be closing at 5:00 pm on Thursday, December 26th.

Teen Leadership Council

The Conway Public Library recognizes its duty in promoting citizenship and literacy, and believes that creating a teen-friendly environment is essential to sustaining a healthy, thriving community. To uphold this responsibility, the Library is establishing a Teen Leadership Council to assist both in developing and implementing programs which serve local teens and encourage them to become life-long library users through the promotion of reading, learning, and volunteerism.


We are seeking a group of dedicated, local youth who are interested in making a difference at the Library and in their community. The Teen Leadership Council aims to give the Library a new perspective on youth and youth a new perspective on libraries. TLC members play a critical role in developing the Library's young adult collection, young adult outreach, event planning and marketing, and making the library a friendlier place for young adults.


The Teen Leadership Council meets monthly on the 3rd Thursday at 5:00pm in an open-forum setting where teens can discuss the issues related specifically to their own use of the Library. Members will earn community service credit and will have a direct impact on the Conway Public Library.

Room Reservation: 
Thursday, September 19, 2019 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Thursday, October 17, 2019 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Thursday, December 19, 2019 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Event Category: 
Event Location: 
Name of Organization: 
Conway Public Library