

Come watch a live, combustible ROCKET LAUNCH go high in the sky!  This event is too big for our library park so it will be held at the Kennett Middle School Field.

After that launch, build your own ROCKET with a team of kids and launch that high in the sky!!!!

What fun!

LGBTQ Awareness Panel Discussion

In celebration of the annual 1 Book, 1 Valley community read event, Becoming Nicole by Ellis Nutt, we will present a panel discussion as a way to open conversation and provide awareness about issues and questions facing LGBTQ populations. The panel will include some individuals representing perspectives, as well as members of medical and mental health services who have experience serving transgender individuals.

Middle Grade Author Visit: J.L. McCreedy

About J.L. McCreedy
J.L. McCreedy is a shoe-string traveler, street food fanatic and (reformed) attorney who
prefers writing stories over legal briefs. She developed an incurable condition of
wanderlust while growing up in Southeast Asia as the child of missionaries, and has
been exploring the globe ever since. She’s the author of the Liberty Frye series and The
Orphan of Torundi, and writes about travel, cycling and living in other cultures at
TongaTime.com. She currently lives in a creaky old house in the White Mountains of

Community Potluck

It's time for another community potluck at the Conway Library! This lunch will be an outdoor picnic on the lovely library green (indoors if it is raining) with North Conway Library's Andrea Masters as the spotlight presenter. Andrea will share a brief presentation about some language and personal experiences from her home country of Germany. All are encouraged to share samples of foods that represent their own traditions and ancestry. For more information call 447-5552.


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