Author Hour Series: Leah Konen
Author Hour Series: David Ellis
Holiday Hours Closure
Holiday library hours starting December 24th!
Christmas Eve, December 24th 9:00am-1:00pm
Christmas Day, December 25th: The Library is closed
Cancelled Skywatch: What's Up in Tonight's Sky
New Hampshire Astronomical Society
LFG: Looking For Group
* January and Febuary will be on the fourth Monday, due to the holidays *
High School Equivalency Test (HiSET)
High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) – Wednesday's Afternoons
Poetry Group:
** Due to the weather forecast - February meet-up has been postponed**
Teen Book Group
Club for Teens, Run by Teens
Meet ups on on the second Tuesday, of each month. The first meeting will be discussing and voting on future books to read in 2025. Extra book titles will be behind the front counter.
Warhammer Alliance
Meetings held on the 2nd Thursday and last Wednesday of each month from 5:00-7:00pm
Drop-in each month to collect, build, paint, play, read, and meet others interested in Warhammer!
Warhammer is more than a game – it’s a hobby, and it’s got something for every person.