Conway Democrats
Prep work for election of officers
Prep work for election of officers
Information about Family Support Liaisons in the Conway Public School District.
Badge work
Many older adults experience a fear of falling. People who develop this fear often limit their activities, which can result in physical weakness, making the risk of falling even greater. A Matter of Balance is a program designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults. It includes 8 two-hour sessions for a small group of 8-12 participants led by a trained facilitator.
A book sale so big it takes over the entire library!
$1.00 - hardcover, trade paperbacks, audiobooks, DVD movies
$0.50 - mass market paperbacks, children's materials
Specialty and antique books too!
Carroll County Library Cooperative Meeting
Ham radio club/social
Ham radio club/social
Ham radio club/social