
Exhibit Reception Brownlow Thompson: Art, History and Science

The community is welcome to a reception of the art, history and science of Brownlow Thompson. The display will be the inaugural exhibit of our new "History Hall" which will feature a variety of displays throughout the year.  This first exhibit will include five paintings by Thompson donated to the Conway Historical Society by the Thompson family and memorabila from the Conway Public Library's Henney History Room.

Lego Club

All ages over 5 are invited to build, collaborate, make new friends, and display their creations at the library in the Ham Room the last Tuesday of each month.

A Moose with a Uke

Join Aaron Risi as we celebrate his children's book, A Moose with a Uke! Aaron will tell the story as he plays his ukulele, followed by leading a drawing lesson, where kids can learn how to draw their own "Monty the Moose". Book purchase and signing available. All are welcome. Free!


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