The Conway Public Library will be closing at noon today, Thursday, February 6th due to the weather conditions.
The Conway Public Library will be closing at noon today, Thursday, February 6th due to the weather conditions.
The sources of these vital statistics are the Annual Reports for the Town of Conway. Dates of births and deaths begin in 1880; some marriages records are prior to that year. It is very likely that some information is incorrect but it has been transcribed from the Annual Reports exactly as it was recorded. If you require information prior to that date, please contact us.
Record ID | Last Name | Given Name | Birthdate Text |
Birthday Date![]() |
Gender | Number of Children | Father | Mother | Residence | Father Occupation | Birthplace Father | Birthplace Mother | Notes | Edit link |
17283 | Kelleher | Lochlan Richard | 1/7/2014 |
January 7, 2014 |
Kyle Kelleher | Desarae Repass | North Conway | |||||||
17284 | Evans | Sally Marie | 1/9/2014 |
January 9, 2014 |
Michael Evans | Brittani Royer | North Conway | |||||||
17285 | Stowe | Luke William | 1/13/2014 |
January 13, 2014 |
William Stowe, Jr. | Sarah Stowe | ||||||||
17286 | McGowan | Aaliyah Brianna | 1/22/2014 |
January 22, 2014 |
James Martin III | Megan McGowen | North Conway | |||||||
17287 | Thibodeau | Logan Andrea | 1/30/2014 |
January 30, 2014 |
Joseph Thibodeau | Regina Thibodeau | North Conway | |||||||
17288 | Fall | Kaira Raven | 2/1/2014 |
February 1, 2014 |
Jeremy Fall | Desirae Frost | North Conway | |||||||
17289 | Spaulding | Paisley Aurora | 2/17/2014 |
February 17, 2014 |
David Spaulding | Jessica Spaulding | North Conway | |||||||
17290 | Lambert | Henley Jean | 2/20/2014 |
February 20, 2014 |
Cameron Lambert | Ashley Champagne | North Conway | |||||||
17291 | Fournier | Grace Jessica | 3/10/2014 |
March 10, 2014 |
Christopher Fourrnier | Jessica Fournier | North Conway | |||||||
17292 | Magee | Reilly Thomas | 3/12/2014 |
March 12, 2014 |
Justin Magee | Erin Harriman | North Conway | |||||||
17293 | Rocco | Benjamin Alexanderr | 3/13/2014 |
March 13, 2014 |
Brian Rocco | Amanda Rocco | North Conway | |||||||
17294 | Carter | Addison Rose Ann | 3/14/2014 |
March 14, 2014 |
Merle Cole, Jr. | Alicia Carter | North Conway | |||||||
17295 | Morrill III | Daniel Paul | 3/14/2014 |
March 14, 2014 |
Daniel Morrill, Jr. | Ashley Winters | North Conway | |||||||
17296 | Dusik | Logan Michael | 3/16/2014 |
March 16, 2014 |
Joshua Rowe | Heather Dusik | North Conway | |||||||
17297 | Sponseller | Svea Avery | 4/2/2014 |
April 2, 2014 |
Brian Sponseller | Jessica Sponseller | North Conway | |||||||
17298 | Smith | Zane Asher | 4/3/2014 |
April 3, 2014 |
Daniel Smith | Aaren Smith | North Conway | |||||||
17299 | Brett | Cameron Lawrence | 4/6/2014 |
April 6, 2014 |
Shawn Brett | Jennifer Thibodeau | North Conway | |||||||
17300 | Lafontaine | Willow | 4/16/2014 |
April 16, 2014 |
Megan Lafontaine | North Conway | ||||||||
17301 | Maxim | Zachary Adam | 5/5/2014 |
May 5, 2014 |
George Maxim | Jamie Turgeon | North Conway | |||||||
17302 | Hanlon | Myah Rose | 5/9/2014 |
May 9, 2014 |
Coty Hanlon | Kristen Santosouosso | North Conway | |||||||
17303 | Fortier | Victoria Rose | 5/12/2014 |
May 12, 2014 |
Brian Fortier | Tina Nichols | North Conway | |||||||
17304 | Lambert | Grady Samuel | 5/13/2014 |
May 13, 2014 |
Samuel Lambert | Chantal Lambert | North Conway | |||||||
17305 | Monica | Lola Beatrix | 5/15/2014 |
May 15, 2014 |
Ronald Monica, Jr. | Jamie Villeneuve | North Conway | |||||||
17306 | Sarson | Danni Jane | 6/4/2014 |
June 4, 2014 |
Sam Sarson | Angela Perkins | North Conway | |||||||
17307 | Hammond | Killian Waylon | 6/4/2014 |
June 4, 2014 |
Jake Fallon | Cortney Quimby | North Conway |