Meeting Room Policy

Conway Public Library recognizes the rights of free speech and free assembly. The Conway Public Library meeting space is available for use by members of our communities to encourage free expression and free access to ideas presenting all points of view on subjects of all kinds. Conway Public Library supports and endorses the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights, which states that public library meeting rooms, “should be made available to the public served by the given Library on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or the affiliations of the individuals or groups requesting their use.” The granting of permission to use the library meeting spaces, however, in no way signifies that the library, its staff, its Board of Trustees, or the Town of Conway as sponsoring or cosponsoring an event. Nor does such approval signify that the library or the Town supports the policies, philosophies, or programs of the applicant organization.


Procedures governing the public use of the library meeting room are as follows: 

1. The meeting room is intended for public gatherings of a civic, cultural, or educational nature during the hours the library is normally open. The library meeting room is not available for commercial purposes. Application for use of the room is made in advance through the librarian. All approvals will be granted at the sole discretion of the librarian.


2. All programs in the meeting room must be opened to the public. No applicant may charge a fee for admission to the event. Registration fees to cover the cost of materials for classes or workshops offered by non-profit organizations in the meeting room are allowed at the sole discretion of the librarian.


3. A nominal service fee or an extension of hours for any event is at the sole discretion of the librarian.


4. Library programs will be given priority when reserving the meeting room. Reservations for the application of the use of the meeting room should be within the hands of the librarian at no more than six (6) months and not fewer the twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the event.


5. The meeting room may not be booked on a continuing basis by any group except for library or Town related groups.


6. The programs may not disrupt the use of the library by others. Citizens attending any meetings are subject to all library rules and regulations.


7. Library facilities must be left in a clean or orderly condition, and chairs replaced as originally set up.


8. No alcoholic beverages may be served in the library, and smoking is prohibited throughout the library grounds.


9. The library will not be responsible for material or equipment left in the building by users.


10. The library reserves the right to revoke meeting room privileges any time.


11. All applicants must include in notices of their meetings and must state at each meeting that the approval of the use of the Conway Public Library Meeting Room does not constitute an endorsement by the Library Board of Trustees, its staff, or the Town of Conway of the content presented or the participants attending.


12. The library reserves the right to alter this policy as deemed necessary by the Board of Trustees.


13. Equipment belonging to the library, including the kitchen, may be used by the groups or the organizations at the discretion of the librarian. There should be no extra charge for such use, but an agreement shall be signed that a qualified person will be using the equipment and that the group or organization will be responsible for any damages that may occur. Each group using the library will be responsible for any and all damage caused directly or indirectly to the library, collections, equipment, facility, or services by or during its use of the library.


14. All programs taking place in the community room will strictly abide by the capacity limits as set by the Conway Village Fire Department. The capacity limit does not distinguish between events using chairs and events not using chairs. When it appears a library program might exceed capacity the library director will make every effort to move the program to an alternate venue. The library reserves the right to make any event ticketed. In the event the library makes an event ticketed, it will not charge a fee for tickets. Tickets will be available on a first come, first serve basis.


15. The "librarian in charge" shall serve as the liaison with the group when they are conducting their meeting/program.


Adopted by the Conway Public Library Board of Trustees, May 7, 2008, rev. 11/13/09, rev. 6/20/16.