Judy Seddon Tree Dedication
Judy Seddon Tree Dedication
Judy Seddon Tree Dedication
The Library will have a delayed opening due to a Library's Staff Meeting.
The Library will open at 10:30am.
Come and look through a Hydrogen Alpha and a White Light telescope to safely view the Sun with Marc Stowbridge. The Hydrogen Alpha telescope will show surface eruptions and features of the Sun. The White Light telescope will show Sun Spots. To preview what you may possible see, check out the link to view "The Sun Now - NADA SDO". SDO stands for Solar Dynamics Observatory, which is in orbit around the Earth.
Come and look through a Hydrogen Alpha and a White Light telescope to safely view the Sun with Marc Stowbridge. The Hydrogen Alpha telescope will show surface eruptions and features of the Sun. The White Light telescope will show Sun Spots. To preview what you may possible see, check out the link to view "The Sun Now - NADA SDO". SDO stands for Solar Dynamics Observatory, which is in orbit around the Earth.
New Hampshire Astronomical Society
New Hampshire Astronomical Society
Holiday library hours starting December 24th!
Christmas Eve, December 24th 9:00am-1:00pm
Christmas Day, December 25th: The Library is closed
Holiday library hours starting December 24th!
Christmas Eve, December 24th 9:00am-1:00pm
Christmas Day, December 25th: The Library is closed
The Conway Public Library will be closed in observance of New Year's Day.
The Library will have a delayed opening due to a Library's Staff Meeting.
The Library will open at 10:30am.