Records Search - Births
The sources of these vital statistics are the Annual Reports for the Town of Conway. Dates of births and deaths begin in 1880; some marriages records are prior to that year. It is very likely that some information is incorrect but it has been transcribed from the Annual Reports exactly as it was recorded. If you require information prior to that date, please contact us.
Record ID | Last Name | Given Name | Birthdate Text | Birthday Date | Gender | Number of Children | Father | Mother | Residence | Father Occupation | Birthplace Father |
Birthplace Mother![]() |
Notes | Edit link |
9899 | Earle | Jason Peter | 8/23/1971 |
August 23, 1971 |
M | Peter C. Earle | Elizabeth A. Sawyer | Maine | Vermont | |||||
9960 | Smith | Donald Arthur, Jr. | 1/16/1972 |
January 16, 1972 |
M | Donald A. Smith | Jayne A. Thomas | Vermont | Vermont | |||||
10109 | Bugbee | Richard Paul, Jr. | 3/27/1973 |
March 27, 1973 |
M | Richard P. Bugbee | Judith H. Stone | Vermont | Vermont | |||||
10128 | Solari | Angela Marie | 5/14/1973 |
May 14, 1973 |
F | Peter C. Solari | Gayle A. Trushaw | New Hampshire | Vermont | |||||
10271 | Hill | Douglas Edward | 4/1/1974 |
April 1, 1974 |
M | Levi D. Hill | Mary K. Price | New Hampshire | Vermont | |||||
10282 | Parkhurst | Darcy Jane | 5/6/1974 |
May 6, 1974 |
F | Thomas M. Parkhurst | Carol A. O\\'Neil | New Hampshire | Vermont | |||||
10296 | Dore | Molly VanBuren | 6/16/1974 |
June 16, 1974 |
F | Steven E. Dore | Mary M. Case | Maine | Vermont | |||||
10356 | Earle | Brian Patrick | 10/28/1974 |
October 28, 1974 |
M | Peter C Earle | Elizabeth A Sawyer | Maine | Vermont | |||||
10551 | Miles | Derek Willliam | 7/29/1976 |
July 29, 1976 |
M | Larry D. Miles | Alenia R. Yasinski | New Hampshire | Vermont | |||||
10567 | Wilson | Kimberly Bidgood | 8/31/1976 |
August 31, 1976 |
F | Kenneth D. Wilson | Mary M. Bidgood | Massachusetts | Vermont | |||||
10578 | LaBrecque | Daniel Joseph | 9/29/1976 |
September 29, 1976 |
M | Daniel P. LeBrecque | Barbara J. O\\'Neil | Maine | Vermont | |||||
10590 | Wright | Montana Sunshine | 11/12/1976 |
November 12, 1976 |
Lawrence G. Wright | Campbell E. Sutton | New Hampshire | Vermont | ||||||
10626 | Dore | Adaline Griffin | 2/24/1977 |
February 24, 1977 |
F | Steven E. Dore | Mary M. Case | Maine | Vermont | |||||
10651 | Jones | Melissa Jacinta | 6/10/1977 |
June 10, 1977 |
F | William F. Jones Jr | Jacinta M. Paradis | New Hampshire | Vermont | |||||
10744 | Cooks | Isabel Alexandra Elizabeth | 2/17/1978 |
February 17, 1978 |
F | Harold W Cook | Alexandra Janiszyn | Massachusetts | Vermont | |||||
10786 | Wilson | Bradley Kyle | 6/29/1978 |
June 29, 1978 |
M | Kenneth D Wilson | Mary M Bidgood | Maasachusetts | Vermont | |||||
10871 | Jones | Amanda Rae | 1/5/1979 |
January 5, 1979 |
F | William F Jones II | Jacinta M Paradis | New Hampshire | Vermont | |||||
10879 | Warlick | Ashley Molander | 2/1/1979 |
February 1, 1979 |
F | Louis G Warlick | Patricia A Akley | Massachusetts | Vermont | |||||
10901 | Lenkowski | Jenny Rae | 4/16/1979 |
April 16, 1979 |
F | Thomas Lenkowski | Sharyl L Struthers | Massachusetts | Vermont | |||||
11544 | McLane | Laura Emily | 9/19/1981 |
September 19, 1981 |
F | Alan Mc Lane | Alice Nichols | New Hampshire | Vermont | |||||
11930 | Steadman | Eliza Jessie | 11/5/1983 |
November 5, 1983 |
F | James A. Steadman | Loraine M. LaFrance | Maine | Vermont | |||||
11769 | LaBrecque | Alissa Rose | 11/14/1982 |
November 14, 1982 |
F | Daniel P. LaBrecque | Barbara J. O\\'Neil | Maine | Vermont | |||||
11778 | Cook | Victoria Marina Rose | 3 Dec. 1982 |
December 3, 1982 |
F | Harold W. Cook | Alexandra Janiszyn | Tamworth, NH | Massachusetts | Vermont | ||||
11999 | Norrie | Ronald Lee | 5/14/1984 |
May 14, 1984 |
M | Gary L. Norrie | Vickie M. Brosseau | Vermont | Vermont | |||||
12261 | McLane | Carrie Nichols | 10/4/1985 |
October 4, 1985 |
F | Alan N. McLane | Alice Nichols | New Hampshire | Vermont |